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           Program Outcome Weeks 1-7 Highlights


Week One Liberal Arts: My thoughts on this topic: I did not know that there was a difference between liberal education and liberal arts education. All I knew was that when I attended college years ago, I was told that I had to take all of my liberal arts courses first before taking other courses.


Week Two Leadership: The title of this assignment was not what I thought it would be, but it was Another Interesting assignment. Writing to one of our government officials about a particular health issue was eye-opening. After reading the content and researching, I gained a better understanding of workplace violence.


Week Three: The Five Elements of Effective Thinking: This topic was eye-opening because it made you stop and think about who you are and what people think of or about you.


Week Four: Emotional Intelligence Habits & Nursing Information Technology: I like learning because of the article and the information presented in the discussion.


Week Five Quality and Safety: issue. I wrote to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. concerning the issue of automatic refilling medication (see enclosure for my letter)


Week Six Lifelong Learning and Emergency Preparedness: Two assignments that I gain a pleather of knowledge.


Week Seven: Policy and Regulation ANA Code of Ethics, discussing ethics is always important; I chose provision two because it covers patients, families, community groups, and populations.

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